the new benchmark
If you have now lost faith in cash and want to acquire a tangible asset with a high value density or get out of gold or BTC investments, osmium is the right choice.
There are eight precious metals in the periodic table. Seven of them have been launched on the market and are already known worldwide. The eighth precious metal is called osmium and has some very special properties that clearly distinguish it from the other precious metals.
Osmium is the eighth and last of the precious metals. It is available to investors in its crystalline form as a tangible asset. Due to the special chemistry involved, crystallization requires high safety measures in the laboratory and is extremely time-consuming and energy-intensive. Due to its extraordinary beauty, it is also known as the “sunshine element”. Osmium is used for the production of exclusive jewelry and as an investment metal for long-term capital investments.
The German “Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH” was founded to ensure uniform handling in the trade and processing of crystalline osmium and to promote it internationally. The focus is on establishing further institutes around the globe. Osmium institutes are already present on 4 continents. The necessary guidelines for trade, training and processing are drawn up together with the Osmium-World-Council e.V . at annual symposia.
Customs agreements are negotiated and ratified worldwide to ensure smooth trade within the international network. Osmium institutes are only involved in trading as part of the initial marketing. All trading tasks are in the hands of distributors and wholesalers and their connections in more than 30 countries around the world.
The future prospects for osmium tangible assets are really good. However, one should be aware that osmium is not for short-term investment strategies. All the recoverable osmium in the world will not be extracted, crystallized and sold in a short time. It will take years, perhaps even more than a decade. But for those who take a long-term view and have the patience to do so, osmium investments could pay off handsomely.
Osmium is extracted as raw osmium and held by investors in kind after the crystallization process. They in turn gradually sell it to the jewelry industry. This process is fixed and it is uncertain how long it will last. In a few years, the entire recoverable raw osmium will have run out and all but a few percent of the crystallized osmium will be integrated into the jewelry market. The jewelry segment currently accounts for 3% of the market and the osmium tangible asset segment for 97%. If this scenario materializes, the price of osmium as a tangible asset will be many times higher than it is today.
As the rarest metal in its crystalline form, osmium therefore has the potential to become a kind of exchange currency that could become particularly important for real asset investors. In the case of osmium, we are not actually talking about a shortage or the search for new deposits and mines, but about a probable unavailability that has never occurred with any other element.
In the early days of osmium trading, the typical buyer was an ambitious private individual who wanted to be part of the launch of a genuine new investment opportunity. This type of buyer has changed today.
In 2020, osmium was particularly in demand due to its crisis, inflation and asset protection function. The pandemic proved to be a catalyst and trend booster, driving up sales and demand significantly. Thanks to its lack of correlation with equities, the euro and interest rates, osmium serves as an anchor of stability, particularly in diversified portfolios, and reduces their overall risk.
Even if, as has happened several times in the past, the price of gold falls and the price of diamonds collapses and sales drop by 90 percent, osmium remains stable and unaffected by the downturn. In view of the exploding debt, buying osmium makes more sense than ever. And even countries are considering including osmium in their national reserves.
The European scientific institutes have a very good international reputation and enjoy trust in global cooperation with other institutes. As this trust has never been disappointed in recent years, the Osmium Institutes have become an authority on osmium issues for private individuals, journalists, state leaders and opinion leaders. Osmium is an exotic metal that most people have never come into contact with. Absolute openness in dealing with governance, ethical sourcing, ethical selling, pricing, frequently asked questions and distribution and trading structures have earned Osmium Institutes the trust of the media, the market and customers.
Osmium is now of interest to everyone, as it is available for people with both limited and large budgets. You can buy osmium squares for a few hundred euros or family office boxes worth more than 10 million euros.
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The growing international osmium market An overview of the growing international osmium market Osmium in its crystalline form has become a superstar on the precious metals market. In the eight years since its crystalline form was discovered, the rarest, most valuable and arguably most beautiful precious metal has become the most popular precious metal that…